Collaboration is crucial for Gardiner Dairy Foundation to operate successfully. Below are links to the websites of our valued industry associates.
The United Dairyfarmers of Victoria (UDV) is the collective voice of Victorian dairy farmers, representing its members to governments and industry at state and local levels.
Dairy Australia is the national services body for dairy farmers and the industry. Its role is to help farmers achieve a profitable, sustainable dairy operations and to adapt to a changing operating environment.
Dairy Australia’s Victorian Regional Development programs (RDPs): Gipps Dairy, Murray Dairy and Westvic Dairy
The Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions’ (DJPR) role is to the sustainable development of the Victorian regional economy and grow employment.
The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) is a not-for-profit organisation that champions the economic and social strength of Australia’s rural, regional and remote communities through partnerships with the private sector, philanthropy and governments.
Regional Leadership Australia is a Not-For-Profit member organisation established in 2012 to strengthen leadership across regional Victoria to create a better future. Our RLA Community Leadership associates include: Leadership Great South Coast, Loddon Murray CLP, Fairley (Goulburn Murray) Leadership Program, Alpine Valleys CLP and Gippsland CLP.
Monash University partners with Gardiner Foundation to deliver the Monash Industry Team Initiative (MITI) Dairy Program.
The University of Melbourne enjoys an outstanding reputation as one of Australia’s leading research focused university.
Nuffield Australia awards scholarships each year to Australian farmers. Nuffield provides an intensive learning experience through international travel to improve practical farming knowledge and management skills.
RaboBank runs its Executive Development and Farm Mangers Programs annually to help farmers build leadership skills, strategic planning capabilities and commercial management skills.
The Australian Rural Leadership Foundation is Australia’s leading rural leadership development organisation delivering high quality leadership programs for rural, regional and remote Australians.