In Girgarre, a humble nursery is sowing the seeds of community resilience and growth far beyond its garden beds.

The Gargarro Botanic Garden Ltd. has received a $5,000 grant to extend the community-run Friends of Gargarro Green Thumbs Nursery, and support volunteers, grow plants for the local botanic garden and support community organisation financial sustainability.

Gargarro Project Convenor, Athol ‘Doc’ McDonald says “An additional $2,550 is being donated by the Gargarro Botanic Gardens and $5,000 in-kind including fencing wire from Kyabram Fauna Park and volunteer labour costs”

The Gargarro Botanic Garden is a unique, world class botanical installation, representing a premier regional botanic gardens destination in Australia. It is known locally as ‘the jewel in the crown of the Campaspe region’.

​“There is a strong dairy connection in the area. There has been a dairy factory located in the town for much of this time, and Australian Consolidated Milk constructed a new factory in the township about five years ago. The number of farms has decreased significantly, but dairy remains the most important agricultural pursuit in the district,” Doc said.

​Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) Philanthropic Service Manager, Danielle Griffin said, “The project will contribute to creating a community where people want to work, live and invest. The vibrant local nursery is important for community connection and plays a key role in ensuring sustainability and success of the botanic gardens, which is a local asset.,” Danielle said.

Each year Gardiner Foundation offers community grants of up to $5,000 to organisations in Victorian dairy communities. These grants are funded by Gardiner and distributed by the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR).

This initiative forms part of Gardiner’s commitment to strengthen dairy communities. The aim of this program is to strengthen Victorian dairy communities, by helping build their capacity to deal with local issues and enhance existing community infrastructure.

Since it began in 2003, the program has funded 604 community organisations with an investment of $2.4M in regional Victoria. This year, 27 grants were awarded across the state.

A letter of support from the town’s peak community group, the Girgarre Development Group describes the nursery as the ‘Men’s Shed of Girgarre’ indicating the important role this facility plays in locals’ lives.

“The project aligns with grant criteria of building resilience through enhancing community infrastructure and volunteer support and contributing to community and social wellbeing,” Doc said.