There are many ways to start out in dairying and so many different career opportunities.
Cate Jago, from Bessibelle in SW Victoria, lived next door to a dairy farm when she was growing up. At first she hung around the dairy out of interest; then she started working at 13, feeding calves, then milking; and then her career took off.
Cate started showing cattle at International Dairy Week and has now been a full time dairy employee for four years, doing every farm hand job including milking, feeding, fencing, etc but she’s found her real love in breeding and also works with a local AI company when they need help.
When she completes her Cert 3 course this year, Cate is planning to look for work with an AI company or as a sales rep.
“Young people who don’t come off a dairy farm don’t know how many different opportunities are available in dairying,” Cate said. “I’ve found the best way to get into dairying is by doing things like showing cattle where you talk to lots of people. Also going to RIST (for training).
“You just have to grab contacts from anywhere you can.
“It’s hard not coming from a dairy farming background. It’s a hard door to push open. From the outside it’s a scary industry for young people but they need to get over that perception because it has lots of opportunities.
“I would love to get more young people into dairying.”