dairyfarmercentral.com.au aims to become the go-to directory where dairy farmers can access a collated list of industry and government endorsed programs, initiatives and events that can support them as individuals, for their families and as business owners.
Delivered as part of a collaborative approach from industry and government, the content on dairyfarmercentral.com.au connects farmers with helpful tools packaged in three streams: farm business management financial and farm management; farmer wellbeing and support; and events. Project partners include United Dairyfarmers of Victoria (UDV), Dairy Australia, Victorian Government, Australian Dairy Farmers, Australian Dairy Products Federation and Victoria Farmers Federation with the independent support of the Gardiner Dairy Foundation, which led, developed and funded the website.
As one of the project partners, UDV President, Mr Adam Jenkins said dairyfarmercentral.com.au is a great platform that helps streamline in the one location all of the useful programs, initiatives and events for farmers. We felt there was a strong need to develop Dairy Farmer Central to ensure dairy farmers had a singular, easy-to-use information source to find out more about all of the avenues for support that are available to them and their families.
We fully support working collaboratively with industry partners and government on initiatives such as Dairy Farmer Central, as we are all stronger when we are united to face the challenges of our industry. The project partners encourage the entire dairy community to share existing programs, initiatives and events that could help strengthen the content on dairyfarmercentral.com.au by contacting Tim Roache, Business Manager of the Gardiner Dairy Foundation via tim.roache@gardinerfoundation.com.au
Join the conversation about Dairy Farmer Central on Twitter @farmercentral with #dairy247.
For dairy farmers and their families seeking help, please phone Lifeline on 13 11 14 or beyondblue 1300 224 636.