Our People

Patron of Geoffrey Gardiner Dairy Foundation

Her Excellency Professor The Honourable Margaret Gardner, AC
Governor of Victoria


Dr Len Stephens

Len Stephens joined the Gardiner Foundation Board in October 2019 as the Chairman Elect and was appointed Chair October 2020.

Len is a veterinarian, with specialist expertise in research management. He also has extensive experience in governance and operations of industry owned rural R&D corporations.

In his early years Len worked with the Victorian Department of Agriculture, servicing the dairy industry in Gippsland, where he also has family connections to dairy farming. He moved from Gippsland to become the inaugural director of the Victorian Institute of Animal Science.

Len is currently Chairman of Australian Seafood Industries Pty Ltd and a Director of Animal Health Australia Ltd. His previous positions include Managing Director of the Seafood CRC Company Ltd, Director Agrifutures Australia, Director Dairy Australia Ltd, Chief Executive Officer – Australian Wool Innovation Ltd, former Chairman of Oysters Australia Ltd and General Manager – Meat & Livestock Australia. He also runs a small consultancy business.

Special Responsibility

Member: Finance, Audit, Investment and Risk Committee

Andrew Metcalfe AO

Andrew Metcalfe AO, a former senior Australian public servant and policymaker, has been nominated as Chair Elect of the Gardiner Foundation. He joined the Board as a Director at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in October 2024 and will formally assume the Chair position at the 2025 AGM.

Andrew is the National President of the Institute of Public Administration Australia. In 2023, he retired as Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, and as Australia’s Director of Biosecurity. In all, Andrew was a Commonwealth departmental secretary for 12 years, heading three departments. He was appointed or reappointed as a Secretary by five different Prime Ministers, and directly worked with 15 portfolio ministers.

Andrew was born and grew up in Toowoomba, Queensland; and studied at the Toowoomba Grammar School and the University of Queensland. He has also undertaken business administration studies at INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France.

Andrew joined the Australian Public Service as an Administrative Trainee in 1980 and held numerous senior roles in the Departments of Immigration, and the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and as being the Chief of Staff to a Cabinet Minister. He was the Secretary (CEO) of the Department of Immigration from 2005 to 2012, and Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in 2013. Between 2014 and January 2020 Andrew was a senior partner in EY (Ernst and Young), the global professional services firm. He was the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment from February 2020 until June 2022, and of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry from July 2022 until his retirement in August 2023.

Andrew was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Australia in 2012. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia. In 2010 he was named as the `Federal Government Leader of the Year’ by the Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Conny Lenneberg

Conny Lenneberg joined the Gardiner Foundation Board in October 2021.  She is a community development practitioner, currently working as a consultant.

Conny’s previous roles include Executive Director of the Brotherhood of St. Laurence, Regional Leader for World Vision in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, Deputy CEO for World Vision Australia and Rural Development Advisor for the Danish Committee for Afghanistan.

Conny has a Master of Arts (Research) and Honorary Doctorate (2017).  She is a member of the Advisory Committee for La Trobe University’s Institute for Human Security and previously on the Monash Sustainable Development Institute, the National Youth Employment Body and the Collaborative for Mature Age Employment.  She has held board positions with the Communities Council of Australia, the Australian Council for International Development, Oxfam Australia and World Vision International.

Aubrey Pellett

Aubrey Pellett joined the Gardiner Foundation Board in October 2021. Aubrey is a Dairy farmer in Hill End West Gippsland. For the last 20 years Aubrey has grown his dairy business from new entrant to cow ownership to a 200 ha pasture based dairy farm.

Prior to dairy farming Aubrey had a short career in banking after university and before a stint travelling and living in the UK. Aubrey has previously served as a Director with Rural Financial Counselling Service Gippsland (being Chair for last four years), GippsDairy and Deputy Chair Bonlac Supply Company.

Aubrey was awarded a Nuffield Scholarship in 2014 where he travelled the world researching the future of pasture based dairy productivity.

Aubrey has a Company Directors Diploma (GAICD),Post Graduate Diploma in Information Systems from Victoria University in Wellington NZ, a Bachelor of Commerce Degree (Farm Mgmt. Major) from Lincoln University NZ and a Diploma in Farm Management with Distinction from Lincoln University NZ.

Michael Strachan

Michael joined the Gardiner Foundation board in 2022, having spent six years as an independent advisor to the Foundation’s Finance, Audit, Investment and Risk (FAIR) Committee.

Michael has extensive investment experience across all asset classes, including alternative investments. Michael’s previous roles include Chief Investment Officer of LUCRF Super, Equip Super and Rio Tinto Staff Super, Head of Multi Asset Class Funds at Invesco Australia and County NatWest Australia, and an Australian Financial Services Licence Responsible Officer.

Michael has been a Board Director of several unlisted property funds and direct infrastructure investments and has frequently been invited to be a speaker, panellist or moderator at many Australian and international investment conferences.

Michael’s business, Corinella Capital Partners, provides investment governance, investment management and risk management advisory services to superannuation funds, wealth managers, endowments and foundations, and family offices.

Michael holds a BSc(Hons), PhD and MBA from The University of Melbourne and a Graduate Diploma from the Australian Institute of Company Directors.


Allan Cameron

Chief Executive Officer

Allan Cameron was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Gardiner Foundation in September 2021. Allan’s professional career has been spent in rural and regional communities developing a strong background in agriculture, agribusiness, financial services and rural extension. Allan has a deep understanding of Australian agriculture and extensive relationships across stakeholders in the Australian dairy industry.

Galina Fidler

Chief Financial Officer

Galina is a senior finance executive boasting more than two decades of experience in finance and governance. Holding a Master of Practicing Accounting from Monash University and membership with Certified Practicing Accountants, Galina exemplifies a commitment to professional advancement and expertise.

Galina’s professional journey has primarily unfolded within the not-for-profit sector, with a notable decade-long tenure in the medical research community. Galina’s recent executive roles include serving as Financial Controller at the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne and as Deputy CFO at the Murdock Children’s Research Institute. Galina adds value through Finance as a key driver for sustainable growth.

Jenny Wilson

General Manager, People and Community Development

Jenny Wilson joined Gardiner Foundation in November 2023 after working for several years as Chief Executive Officer of Murray Dairy. She’s also a Director on the board of Goulburn Valley Water and deputy chair of GOTAFE. Jenny has previously worked in senior management roles for multiple Victorian State Government Departments in the areas of agriculture and natural resource management.

Passionate about regional Victoria, Agriculture, and Skills and Training, Jenny has led several programs supporting agricultural communities in the adoption of new science, innovation, and skills, particularly in response to water policy reform and climate change. Jenny has extensive government and industry experience in leadership, strategic planning, community engagement, training and development, and emergency response and recovery.

She’s a graduate of Charles Sturt University having completed a Bachelor of Environmental Science, holds an Advanced Certificate in Sustainability and a Diploma of Project Management, and is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Donna Gibson

Program Manager, Research and Innovation

Donna joined the Gardiner Foundation in 2022 with over 20 years of experience in dairy from farming to research and extension. She’s passionate about the dairy industry and through her roles on farms, with Agriculture Victoria and Dairy Australia has gained a broad understanding of the Australian Dairy Industry and its importance to dairying communities.

Donna holds a Bachelor in Environmental Science specialising in land and water from Charles Sturt University.

Sallie Clynes

Executive Assistant

Sallie Clynes joined Gardiner Foundation in January 2024 in the newly created Executive Assistant role.

She has a strong and diverse background in organisational administration and has experience working across a range of industries. With a proven track record in efficiently managing administrative tasks, Sallie is adept at navigating the intricacies of executive support. Demonstrating a keen eye for detail, forward-thinking, and an unwavering commitment to excellence, Sallie aims to ensure seamless operations within any organisational setting, contributing to the overall success of the team and organisation.

Sallie brings along a collaborative approach to build and cultivate strong relationships with colleagues and team members.

Mandy Buchholtz

Community and People Development Project Lead

Mandy joined the Gardiner Foundation in 2024, bringing extensive experience in people and community development. She has held senior leadership roles in the not-for-profit sector, delivering projects that strengthen communities, support wellbeing, and improve governance.

Previously, she was a Senior Risk Manager in telecommunications, specialising in enterprise risk. She also holds qualifications in sustainability and ethical business practices, which she integrates into her work.

With expertise in mental health, Mandy fosters safe, supportive environments and is passionate about building inclusive initiatives that create meaningful change.

Ashley Rosewarne

People and Community Development Project Coordinator

Ashley brings her background in media, advertising, marketing and stakeholder management.

Ashley was appointed as People & Community Development (PCD) Projects Coordinator in August 2017. She holds a Bachelor of Communications (Public Relations) from RMIT and has a strong background in media, advertising, marketing and stakeholder management.

Her previous experience working in a creative advertising agency equipped Ashley with a proficient level of exposure to regional Australia and New Zealand working with Agricultural and Machinery clients. She has also worked in one of Australia’s leading media publications where she worked with motoring and machinery dealer associates.

Working with the PCD program, Ashley has been able to develop strong relationships across the dairy supply chain as well as successfully plan and implement our events since commencing her role with the Gardiner Dairy Foundation.

Meghan Lodwick

Communications Manager

Meghan joined the Gardiner Foundation in 2024 in a new role as Communications Manager. She is a seasoned Public Relations and Communications professional with experience in both the private and public sectors. Previously, Meghan worked as a research communicator at various universities and has a strong background in corporate communications, social media and digital storytelling.

While Meghan is new to dairy, she is well-equipped to bring the stories from the dairy industry and community to life. Meghan holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master’s in Global Communications from La Trobe University.