To learn more about Gardiner Foundation publications, including our Constitution, current Strategic Plan and Governance, select the following headings.
To learn more about Gardiner Foundation publications, including our Constitution, current Strategic Plan and Governance, select the following headings.
The Constitution of Gardiner Foundation provides a remit to ‘manage the investment of funds to maximise the benefits to all sectors of the Victorian dairy industry and to Victorian dairy communities’, this is our purpose. To read our full constitution, read Gardiner Foundation Constitution.
Gardiner Foundation’s five-year strategy, 2024 – 2028 (1 January 2024 – 31 December 2028) aims to enable our dairy people, inspire change that benefits industry, strengthen communities, prioritise innovation and growth, and sustain investment in dairy’s prosperity. To learn more, read Strategic Plan 2024-2028
Strong and vibrant communities are essential to attract and retain people in Victoria’s dairy industry. The Gardiner Foundation’s Strengthening Small Dairy Communities Toolkit is helping rural Victorians plan the future of their towns and bring their visions to life.
The Board’s principal activity is to take an active role in investing in research, supporting industry initiatives and managing the investment of funds to maximise the benefits to all sectors of the Victorian Dairy Industry and Victorian Dairy Communities in accordance with section 65 of the Dairy Act 2000. To learn more, read Board Governance Charter
Each year the Gardiner Foundation publishes an Annual Report. This comprehensive document summarises its financial performance, strategies and achievements over the course of a year. To view the Gardiner Foundation Annual Reports, select the following year.