Our first podcast is now live on DairyPod. We interviewed Nuffield Australia scholar Sarah Crosthwaite on her experience in mental health and agriculture.
In 2023, Sarah received a Nuffield Scholarship. Gardiner Foundation, in partnership with Nuffield Australia, offers a farming scholarship to a Victorian dairy farmer each year. It provides an opportunity for a farmer to investigate an agricultural topic of their choice and to innovate on their own farms and in dairy communities.
Sarah is a dairy farmer and accredited mental health social worker. She chose to study how different agricultural sectors across the world support their producers’ mental health – especially in a changing climate.
“My aim is to understand and share with Australia’s agricultural industries learnings that have been gained from my travels in relations to farmers’ mental health and wellbeing,” she says.
To listen to the podcast select the following link: https://omny.fm/shows/dairypod/mental-health-in-agriculture
Read From dairy farmer to mental health advocate to learn more about Sarah’s journey.
To learn more about Nuffield, read Nuffield Farming Scholarship.