Why are fewer and fewer young people deciding on a career pathway in agri-food? And why do those who are working in the sector leave at high rates?
Securing the next generation in farming and food careers is a research project addressing these questions. The project investigates how and why young people aged 15-35 years enter, stay or leave jobs and careers in the agri-food sector, including farming, horticulture, farm services, food processing, small-scale agri-business and larger corporate employers.
The research will hear directly from young people about the challenges and enablers they experience as they transition from education to employment. Researchers at the University of Melbourne have partnered with industry groups and the Local Learning and Employment Network to generate new knowledge to improve youth career trajectories in rural and regional areas.
We would like to invite young people (aged 15-35 years) to participate in a 10–15-minute survey, and/or interview about their employment pathways in agriculture and agri-food. Please pass on the research details to anyone interested in taking part.
Are you:
- Thinking about a career in agriculture or agri-food?
- Studying agriculture, horticulture or a related field?
- Currently working in the sector?
- Left a job in the sector?
If yes, please consider taking part. We value your time:
- Survey participants can win 1 of 5 $100 Gift-cards; and
- Interview participants will receive a $50 Gift-card as thanks
Survey Link: https://bit.ly/4d7ECCi
To express interest in an interview, or ask any questions, please get in touch with Cathy Waite 0481 095 593 or cwaite@unimelb.edu.au