Agri-food is a key sector of the Australian economy, contributing $65B (3.5%) to GDP and $36B (10%) to national export income. Supporting further growth of the sector is a strategic priority for the Commonwealth and state governments and for industry.

This research project, Securing the next generation in farming and food careers, expects to generate knowledge that will improve career paths for youth and inform policy decisions related to the industry. This in turn should lead to sustainability and growth in the agri-food sector and economic growth in regional communities.

In this project, Univeristy of Melbourne researchers will investigate how and why young people aged 15-35 years enter, stay or leave jobs and careers in the agri-food sector, including farming, farm services and food processing, including small-scale agri-business and larger employers.

The agri-food industry represents a significant source of employment in rural, regional and peri-urban areas, but is an industry with an aging workforce grappling with the challenge of attracting younger employees. Young people in many rural, regional and peri-urban areas also struggle accessing employment opportunities and fulfilling careers in their local areas. This research seeks to contribute evidence-based insights to address the complex problem young people face in regard to post-school employment transitions, and workforce challenges faced by the agri-food sector.

Researchers would like to invite young people (aged 15-35 years) living in rural, regional and peri-urban Victoria to participate in a 10-15 minute survey, and/or interview. 

The research is concerned with hearing from young people directly about the challenges and enablers they experience as they transition from education to employment.  The research expects to generate new knowledge to improve youth career trajectories using an innovative, interdisciplinary and engaged research design. Further, the project will ascertain how young people’s aspirations, experiences, education, training and support needs are addressed by current efforts of industries, communities and government.

The findings will be used to:

  • Strengthen career outcomes for young people
  • Improve the sustainability and growth of the agri-food sector
  • Support rural, regional and peri-urban communities and their economic prosperity
  • Co-design youth-appropriate industry and education policy proposals
  • Provide new models of youth engagement in the agri-food sector

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