Project Outcomes 2018-19

Data modelling to improve manufacturing processes (2018-19)

Hosted by Bega


Project outcomes

Select the following heading to read more about the Project Brief

Description of the project:
The forth industrial revolution is upon us and businesses need to ensure they are keeping up with new technology and using our current technology wisely.
Through the manufacturing supply chain, data is collected and analysed to improve processes and products. This project will focus on a specific manufacturing line, collating, assessing and analysing data and creating models that will be used to predict and prevent processing or quality issues.

This project has been closed

Project Aims:
In this project the outcomes expected include improvements to the manufacturing line to increase efficiencies and quality.

Faculty or Department:
Art, Design and Architecture
Business and Economics
Information Technology


Employment Type:

Students with knowledge and interest in the following areas are encouraged to apply:
principles of manufacturing and engineering
collaating and analysing data
experimental design
Applications for this project are welcome from penultimate and subsequent year undergraduates, Masters and PhD students (coursework and research) who are currently enrolled full-time at Monash including for the period December 2018 to end of February 2019.

Selection Criteria:
Your application will be reviewed by senior university members and assessed against the following criteria:
• Quality of covering letter, resume and on-line application including spelling & grammar
• Relevance of your degree to the project(s) you select
• Skills, ability, knowledge and experience relevant to the project (s) you apply for
• Extra – curricular activities (i.e. sports/clubs & societies/memberships)
• Career goals & ambitions
• Academic performance
• Successful completion of group activity
• Successful interview with industry partner

Please note:
Scope for MITI projects are determined by the industry partners, this includes student disciplines and whether they require students at undergraduate, Masters or PhD level.
The final selection of the MITI project team will be made by the industry partner.
Each industry project will run for 12 weeks over the summer vacation period that is December 2018 through to February 2019 – you must be enrolled as a full time student during this period.
If selected you must be available and agree to commit for the entire 12 week period.

12 weeks

Max number of recipients:

Application process:
A cover letter and current CV are mandatory requirements of the application process.
Your cover letter should state the following information in a clear and concise manner:
• why this project is of particular interest to you
• an outline of your experience either through work, study or other interests to support your application
• what you can contribute as a member of the team
Prior to applying for this opportunity please consider the location of the project. Bega is situated in south east NSW, located approximately 600kms from Melbourne CBD. You will be required to live away from home for the duration of the project. Drivers lisence will be required.
Return flights and suitable shared accommodation will be provided.

Document Management and Workflow solution (2018-19)


Project outcomes

Select the following heading to read more about the Project Brief

Description of the project:
Burra Foods’ Document Management solution (i-Burra) no longer meets the requirements of the business, it is a standalone solution lacking workflow and automation.
The project includes reviewing the current document management solution and identifying key functional/non-functional requirements for document management and workflows.

This project has been closed

Project Aims:
The key outcomes of the Document Management and Workflow project include:
* Reviewing current document management solution and gaps to create list of functional and non-functional requirements that fulfill the business needs.
* Identify and document required document meta data for the organisation.
* Identify and document security requirements for document types and workflows.
* Identify and document workflows using process maps.
* Priorities workflows based upon need and complexities.
* Propose a document migration process to a new system, including an archiving strategy for older documents.

Available to:
Undergraduate students in penultimate and subsequent year (including honours)
Postgraduate students

Faculty or Department:
Art, Design and Architecture
Business and Economics
Information Technology


Employment Type:
Applications for this project are welcome from penultimate and subsequent year undergraduates, Masters and PhD students (coursework and research) who are currently enrolled full-time at Monash including for the period December 2018 to end of February 2019.

Selection Criteria:
Your application will be reviewed by senior university members and assessed against the following criteria:
• Quality of covering letter, resume and on-line application including spelling & grammar
• Relevance of your degree to the project(s) you select
• Skills, ability, knowledge and experience relevant to the project (s) you apply for
• Extra – curricular activities (i.e. sports/clubs & societies/memberships)
• Career goals & ambitions
• Academic performance
• Successful completion of group activity
• Successful interview with industry partner

Please note:
Scope for MITI projects are determined by the industry partners, this includes student disciplines and whether they require students at undergraduate, Masters or PhD level.
The final selection of the MITI project team will be made by the industry partner.
Each industry project will run for 12 weeks over the summer vacation period that is December 2018 through to February 2019 – you must be enrolled as a full time student during this period.
If selected you must be available and agree to commit for the entire 12 week period.

12 weeks

Max number of recipients:

Application process:
A cover letter and current CV are mandatory requirements of the application process.
Your cover letter should state the following information in a clear and concise manner:
why this project is of particular interest to you
an outline of your experience either through work, study or other interests to support your application
what you can contribute as a member of the team
Prior to applying for this opportunity please consider the location of the project. Korumburra is situated in South Gippsland (Regional Victoria) located approximately 120 kms from Melbourne CBD. You will be required to live away from home in shared facilities for the duration of the project therefore your own transport will be required.
Suitable local accommodation + an appropriate travel allowance will be provided.

Energy and heat demand assessment (2018-19)


Project outcomes

Select the following heading to read more about the Project Brief

Description of the project:
The Stanhope factory located in northern Victoria, has been undergoing transformational change over the last 2 years as the site rebuilds cheese manufacturing capability following a fire in late 2014.
Cheese manufacturing was reinstated at the site in July 2017 with commissioning of the new infrastructure occurring over the last 12 months. A second tranche to the site upgrade is currently underway with the modernisation of various infrastructure aligning with a long-term interest for the factory to introduce renewable energy to support site services.

This project would analyse the use of energy and heat across the Stanhope site to identify trends among the equipment involved in production, establish baseline demands and identify opportunities for supporting site services with renewable thermal and/or energy supply.
The project scope is likely to include the following tasks:
* Develop a Process Flow Diagram for the site and map utility requirements for all processing areas.
* Determine baseline electrical and thermal demand for the site including time of use profiles
* Identify opportunities for process and/or utility optimisation and integration
* Overlay energy generation technology options (solar/thermal PV)

This project has been closed

Project Aims:
Students will be required to develop recommendations for the site on the following:
* Identify energy-intensive sub-processes or operations and suggest recommendations as to how the site can reduce its energy usage per tonne of product.
* Process and/or utility optimisation opportunities
* Utility areas at site that could be serviced by Renewable Energy to displace use of grid power

Faculty or Department:
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Employment Type:
Applications for this project are welcome from penultimate and subsequent year undergraduates, Masters and PhD students (coursework and research) who are currently enrolled full-time at Monash including for the period December 2018 to end of February 2019.

Selection Criteria:
Your application will be reviewed by senior university members and assessed against the following criteria:
Quality of covering letter, resume and on-line application including spelling & grammar
Relevance of your degree to the project(s) you select
Skills, ability, knowledge and experience relevant to the project (s) you apply for
Extra – curricular activities (i.e. sports/clubs & societies/memberships)
Career goals & ambitions
Academic performance
Successful completion of group activity
Successful interview with industry partner

Please note:
Scope for MITI projects are determined by the industry partners, this includes student disciplines and whether they require students at undergraduate, Masters or PhD level.
The final selection of the MITI project team will be made by the industry partner.
Each industry project will run for 12 weeks over the summer vacation period that is December 2018 through to February 2019 – you must be enrolled as a full time student during this period.
If selected you must be available and agree to commit for the entire 12 week period.

12 weeks

Max number of recipients:

Application process:
A cover letter and current CV are mandatory requirements of the application process.
Your cover letter should state the following information in a clear and concise manner:
• why this project is of particular interest to you
• an outline of your experience either through work, study or other interests to support your application
• what you can contribute as a member of the team
Prior to applying for this opportunity please consider the location of the project. Stanhope is situated in north central • regional Victoria located approximately 198kms from Melbourne CBD. You will be required to live away from home in shared facilities for the duration of the project therefore your own transport will be required.
Suitable local shared accommodation + an appropriate travel allowance will be provided.

Exploring the physical and chemical properties of saline dairy waste for future end-use markets (2018-19)


Project outcomes

Select the following heading to read more about the Project Brief

Description of the project:
The manufacture of dairy products results in the generation of a variety of waste streams that feature different levels of beneficial reuse value across a range of non-dairy markets.
This project will focus on exploring opportunities associated with saline dairy waste generated from whey processing activities at Stanhope.

The project scope is likely to include the following:
* Desktop review of existing industry studies on saline waste streams, including from dairy manufacturing;
* Review site analytical data of the Fonterra saline dairy waste to understand chemical and physical properties.
* Research and assess chemical and physical properties of the saline dairy waste and how these properties affect the functionality of the material.
* Connect with government and industry networks to understand existing market and practises for use of supplements to traditional materials based on quality, price and availability;
* Identify opportunities for use of saline waste material as a supplement to other raw materials and work with industry networks if the opportunity arises to conduct a trial

This project has been closed

Project Aims:
Students will be required to present a business case/research report that provides advice to Fonterra on:
* Chemical and physical properties of the saline dairy waste,
* Technical solutions that may enable adjustment of chemical/physical properties to better support ongoing management or end-use markets for the material,
* Potential end-market opportunities where the material can be used as a supplement to other products.

Faculty or Department:
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Employment Type:
Applications for this project are welcome from penultimate and subsequent year undergraduates, Masters and PhD students (coursework and research) who are currently enrolled full-time at Monash including for the period December 2018 to end of February 2019.

Selection Criteria:
Your application will be reviewed by senior university members and assessed against the following criteria:
• Quality of covering letter, resume and on-line application including spelling & grammar
• Relevance of your degree to the project(s) you select
• Skills, ability, knowledge and experience relevant to the project (s) you apply for
• Extra – curricular activities (i.e. sports/clubs & societies/memberships)
• Career goals & ambitions
• Academic performance
• Successful completion of group activity
• Successful interview with industry partner

Please note:
Scope for MITI projects are determined by the industry partners, this includes student disciplines and whether they require students at undergraduate, Masters or PhD level.
The final selection of the MITI project team will be made by the industry partner.
Each industry project will run for 12 weeks over the summer vacation period that is December 2018 through to February 2019 – you must be enrolled as a full time student during this period.
If selected you must be available and agree to commit for the entire 12 week period.

12 weeks

Max number of recipients:

Application process:
A cover letter and current CV are mandatory requirements of the application process.
Your cover letter should state the following information in a clear and concise manner:
why this project is of particular interest to you
an outline of your experience either through work, study or other interests to support your application
what you can contribute as a member of the team

Reducing salts and nutrients in dairy food processor waste water (2018-19)


Project outcomes

Select the following heading to read more about the Project Brief

Description of the project:
Dairy food processors generate large volumes of waste water, with high salt and nutrient concentrations, as a result of manufacturing and cleaning processes. Sustainable land application of waste water is often compromised due to potential environmental impacts to soil and groundwater. This project will work with three major dairy manufacturing companies (Bega Cheese, Fonterra Australia and Burra Foods), each with contrasting waste water chemical compositions, due to differences in factory waste water management systems.

Students will work with AVR research scientists and environmental managers from the three dairy processing companies to characterise waste water composition, identify the sources of excess salt and mineral loads in the manufacturing process, investigate chemical and physical separation technologies which can reduce salt and nutrient loads, explore potential value-added products from secondary separation processes (such as animal feed supplements, salt licks, fertilizers) and develop a cost:benefit analysis of various options for mitigation and value-adding from these different waste streams.

This project has been closed

Project Aims:
Excess salt and nutrient loads from manufacturing plants continues to poise a significant environmental challenge to dairy food processors. This project will assist in identifying innovative chemical and physical separation technologies which will reduce salt and nutrient waste streams, and generate potentially value added products.

Faculty or Department:
Business and Economics
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Employment Type:

Students with an interest in improving environmental performance of dairy food manufacturing and exploring innovative solutions for value-adding from waste streams are encouraged to apply.
Also students studying in the following areas are encouraged to apply:
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Chemistry
Chemical Engineering
Environmental Economics (Cost:benefit analysis)
Applications for this project are welcome from penultimate and subsequent year undergraduates, Masters and PhD students (coursework and research) who are currently enrolled full-time at Monash including for the period December 2018 to end of February 2019.

Selection Criteria:
Your application will be reviewed by senior university members and assessed against the following criteria:
• Quality of covering letter, resume and on-line application including spelling & grammar
• Relevance of your degree to the project(s) you select
• Skills, ability, knowledge and experience relevant to the project (s) you apply for
• Extra – curricular activities (i.e. sports/clubs & societies/memberships)
• Career goals & ambitions
• Academic performance
• Successful completion of group activity
• Successful interview with industry partner

Please note:
Scope for MITI projects are determined by the industry partners, this includes student disciplines and whether they require students at undergraduate, Masters or PhD level.
The final selection of the MITI project team will be made by the industry partner.
Each industry project will run for 12 weeks over the summer vacation period that is December 2018 through to February 2019 – you must be enrolled as a full time student during this period.
If selected you must be available and agree to commit for the entire 12 week period.
Some over-night travel to other dairy manufacturing sites within Victoria and New South Wales will be required.

12 weeks

Max number of recipients:

Application process:
A cover letter and current CV are mandatory requirements of the application process.
Your cover letter should state the following information in a clear and concise manner:
• why this project is of particular interest to you
• an outline of your experience either through work, study or other interests to support your application
• what you can contribute as a member of the team
Prior to applying for this opportunity please consider the location of the project. Ellinbank is situated in West Gippsland, (Regional Victoria) approximately 120 kms from Melbourne CBD. You may be required to live away from home for the duration of the project therefore own transport maybe required.
-Suitable local accommodation and an appropriate travel allowance will be provided.

Review and reduction of water use in a unique dairy manufacturing facility (2018-19)


Project outcomes

Select the following heading to read more about the Project Brief

Description of the project:
Great Ocean Ingredients (GOI) is a joint venture between Dutch dairy company FrieslandCampina Domo and Canadian dairy company Saputo. GOI utilises what was once a waste lactose stream from the cheese and whey production process (UF permeate) to produce galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS). GOS is a prebiotic predominantly used in infant nutrition.

The GOI production facility uses a unique production process which is the first of its kind to manufacture GOS.
The GOI process involves the utilisation of numerous ion exchange, membrane and evaporation plants. Significant volumes of wastewater are produced and sent to the site wastewater plant for further processing. Currently, GOI’s wastewater volume is calculated over a 24-hour period and is indicative of the entire plant. Management of the wastewater streams from each plant within the process is a priority, however it is currently problematic. Understanding these individual wastewater streams from a real-time perspective will help with identification of plant maintenance issues and incidences of reduced plant performance. This will enable early intervention, reducing wastewater volumes and product loss.

The student team will be required to develop a detailed understanding of the site’s production processes and clean-in-place (CIP) processes. The project will focus on identifying areas of the plant and the equipment required to enable real-time monitoring of wastewater volumes from each plant within the GOI process and to provide an implementation strategy. Identification of water and/or chemical savings for immediate implementation will be considered by the plant management. Changes implemented during the project will be monitored and savings recorded.

This project has been closed

Project Aims:
1) A report detailing opportunities for implementation of in-line instrumentation to enable monitoring and logging of process and wastewater volumes.
2) A report detailing opportunities for immediate implementation that will reduce water and/or chemical usage.

Faculty or Department:
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Employment Type:
Applications for this project are welcome from penultimate and subsequent year undergraduates, Masters and PhD students (coursework and research) who are currently enrolled full-time at Monash including for the period December 2018 to end of February 2019.

Selection Criteria:
Your application will be reviewed by senior university members and assessed against the following criteria:
• Quality of covering letter, resume and on-line application including spelling & grammar
• Relevance of your degree to the project(s) you select
• Skills, ability, knowledge and experience relevant to the project (s) you apply for
• Extra – curricular activities (i.e. sports/clubs & societies/memberships)
• Career goals & ambitions
• Academic performance
• Successful completion of group activity
• Successful interview with industry partner

Please note:
Scope for MITI projects are determined by the industry partners, this includes student disciplines and whether they require students at undergraduate, Masters or PhD level.
The final selection of the MITI project team will be made by the industry partner.
Each industry project will run for 12 weeks over the summer vacation period that is December 2018 through to February 2019 – you must be enrolled as a full time student during this period.
If selected you must be available and agree to commit for the entire 12 week period.

12 weeks

Max number of recipients:

Application process:
A cover letter and current CV are mandatory requirements of the application process.
Your cover letter should state the following information in a clear and concise manner:
why this project is of particular interest to you
an outline of your experience either through work, study or other interests to support your application
what you can contribute as a member of the team

Please note:
Prior to applying for this opportunity please consider the location of the project. Allansford is situated in the Western Districts (Regional Victoria) approximately 256 kms from Melbourne CBD. You will be living away from home for the duration of the project, therefore own transport is required.
Suitable local accommodation and an appropriate travel allowance will be provided.

The science of wastewater treatment (2018-19)


Project outcomes

Select the following heading to read more about the Project Brief

Description of the project:
Burrafoods treats its wastewater generated on site. The Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is a critical asset.

This projects aims to deliver,
* A creative pictorial WWTP process flow map for educational purposes.
* Documented discussion of the aims of the science of each processing stage and the interrelationship and interdependencies of each stage.
* Identification of rate limiting steps within each stage, their “watch-outs” and corrective action in situations of higher risk.
* Recommend intrinsic performance measurement systems that could be applied with supporting operating parameters to maximise performance.
* Via literature review and technology scan, identifying any potential improvement opportunities and support their implementation by cost benefit analysis using the PMO tools.
* Create a waste generation prediction model based upon varying influent conditions.

This project has been closed

Project Aims:
The key outcomes of this work will include:
* An excellent process description with supporting documented science that will be applied as training material for current and future employees.
* An overall WWTP performance measurement system to monitor and assure plant performance.
* A calculated current design capability of the WWTP.
* A prioritised and supported action plan to introduce improvement initiatives including capacity increase, optimum final effluent quality and improved odour control; supported by return on investment calculations.

Faculty or Department:
Information Technology
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Employment Type:
Applications for this project are welcome from penultimate and subsequent year undergraduates, Masters and PhD students (coursework and research) who are currently enrolled full-time at Monash including for the period December 2018 to end of February 2019.

Selection Criteria:
Your application will be reviewed by senior university members and assessed against the following criteria:
• Quality of covering letter, resume and on-line application including spelling & grammar
• Relevance of your degree to the project(s) you select
• Skills, ability, knowledge and experience relevant to the project (s) you apply for
• Extra – curricular activities (i.e. sports/clubs & societies/memberships)
• Career goals & ambitions
• Academic performance
• Successful completion of group activity
• Successful interview with industry partner

Please note:
Scope for MITI projects are determined by the industry partners, this includes student disciplines and whether they require students at undergraduate, Masters or PhD level.
The final selection of the MITI project team will be made by the industry partner.
Each industry project will run for 12 weeks over the summer vacation period that is December 2018 through to February 2019 – you must be enrolled as a full time student during this period.
If selected you must be available and agree to commit for the entire 12 week period.

12 weeks

Max number of recipients:

Application process:
A cover letter and current CV are mandatory requirements of the application process.
Your cover letter should state the following information in a clear and concise manner:
• why this project is of particular interest to you
• an outline of your experience either through work, study or other interests to support your application
• what you can contribute as a member of the team
Prior to applying for this opportunity please consider the location of the project. Korumburra is situated in South Gippsland (Regional Victoria) located approximately 120 kms from Melbourne CBD. You will be required to live away from home in shared facilities for the duration of the project therefore your own transport will be required.
Suitable local accommodation + an appropriate travel allowance will be provided.